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October 6, 2012

Seven Sex-facts you never knew

Do you believe that your bedroom life is on an all time high, thanks to the immense knowledge you have about sex? 

Well, we bring you seven never-heard-before facts about the 'S' word, which are sure to leave you thinking... 

1. Globally, lovers are having sex 139 times a year. The French are the lovemaking pacesetters, according to the Durex Global Sex Survey 2002, coming in at 167 times each 365 days. 

2. Condoms are biodegradable — some of them. Lambskin and latex condoms are biodegradable, but polyurethane condoms aren't. 

3. Sex-enhancing CDs are being sold for setting the mood. Try some classical options to rock your world: Shacking Up to Chopin, Making Out to Mozart and Bedroom Bliss with Beethoven are available. 

4. Don't douche — it's not recommended anymore. Douching washes away the healthy bacteria in the vagina and alters the natural, healthy pH level. The practice can actually lead to the spread of infections in the reproductive organs. 

5. Sex with a celebrity is the No. 1 fantasy worldwide. That's according to the recent Durex survey, which also found that four in 10 people have fantasized about sex with their best friend's partner! 

6. Believe it - blue balls are for real. The discomfort is caused when more blood flows into the penis than out. The uneven blood flow causes an increase in the volume of blood trapped in the genitals and contributes to the penis becoming erect and the testicles becoming engorged with blood. 

7. It could take eight months for a couple to conceive. So you might not get a baby off the bat, but the wait can be more than worthwhile. At least a year should go by before you fret about your fertility. 

Five Great reasons to fall in love

t's quite peculiar but everywhere I look, I see an absence of a very valuable emotion: Love. I see loveless marriages, bored couples just passing their years together because the security of being together outweighs the chances of their finding love again.

I also meet so many people scared to fall in love. Some of them are so scared at the possibility of being hurt that the thought of such an eventuality deters them from even trying, else, they have been bitten or become bitter by past experiences. Then there are those that are just too shy and some that think they are undeserving of being recipients of such an overwhelming emotion. And of course there are those that set their expectations as high as Angelina Jolie or George Clooney. Let me give you five great reasons to fall in love quick and to keep your relationship loving.

1. You feel great! Love struck individuals constantly churn out a brain chemical called dopamine, a feel-good stimulant that's responsible for those feelings of bliss, optimism and patience. It infuses you with energy, excites you to discover and do new things, eat new food, and the smallest of things cause so much joy.

2. You lose weight. When in love your body is constantly pumping out a neurotransmitter called norepinephrine, which in turn produces adrenaline which suppresses your appetite. Besides, most of us tend to hit the gym more often in order to look and feel our best.

3. Whoever said "a fool in love" couldn't have been more wrong because you become smarter! Scientists at the University of Pavia in Italy found that falling in love raises levels of a hormone that improves memory by triggering the growth of new brain cells.

4. You look younger because oxytocin, triggers the release of DHEA, an anti-aging hormone that triggers cell restoration in the body.

5. People in a relationships have 1/3 the death rate of single people and having a romantic support system protects the body from developing high levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), which causes heart disease. What are you waiting for? Go out there and fall in love.....!


I am 16-year-old boy and I met a girl on the first day of my school. I am attracted to her and incidently she sat in front of me during exams. She asked me for answers and I told her. Then one day she messaged me on a social networking site and we shared our numbers. Since then we have been talking regularly. But lately she has stopped calling me. What do I do?
It seems evident contact was made, waters were tested and the ship sailed on. Or perhaps she was expecting more than just chatter? Try sending her a little present or a lovely bunch of flowers. It's a small investment but may reap rich rewards!

I am a 27-yea-old man and am not sure whether I am in a relationship or not. I know this girl for the past five years. We like each other and I went ahead and asked her mother for her hand. I was refused flatly on my face. I have been taking care of their family for a while now both emotionally and financially and don't understand what more they want. She has never liked anyone else and now I am confused what to do. Please help.
It's sad that while you are supportive of the family emotionally and also financially, they are clear they don't see you as anything more than a benefactor. Why don't you just put the ball in her court? Tell her that you're ready to settle down and would love to do so with her, but you leave the choice to her as to whether she chooses to reciprocate or shun the proposal and then decide if you'd like to continue the social service or make a future for yourself.

I am a 21-year-old boy who has always thought of having a girlfriend. All my friends have their girls whom they keep talking to all the time but I feel they are all like stalkers. I always thought that first I should earn and then get into all this. Is this peer-pressure?
If your girlfriend will be happy with walks, holding hands and junk food, there's no problem. There are different stages for different ages. But you're not in your teens anymore. You're 21 and, I suggest you work hard and undistractedly towards a stable, financial future first. Use your spare time to read up and research what makes women tick and ways to cultivate the most satiating relationships. The need for romance is important, but money also plays a very crucial role in creating romance in relationships today. Coffee's, movies, lunches and dinners, presents, little getaways together, etc., are almost integral to relationship building. Why live a compromised life?

I am a 20-year-old girl and I have a cousin who is 14 years older to me and divorced. We have been on great terms but lately things went a little too far. We kissed and made out. He says he loves me and wants me. I know it is wrong but cannot stop. He now wants to make love to me. What do I do?
In India, there are different laws within religions and communities regarding intimate relationships with cousins. As you have not specified yours, I can only advise you to refrain, especially if you feel your family would be averse to it. I don't see the sense in starting something that cannot be sustained, or have long-term benefits and might in many aspects be something that may cause lots of grief, regret and complications.

Nine Reasons you should have sex everyday

If you thought that the only benefit of sex was, well, pleasure, here's some news for you. Making love is good for adults. And making love regularly is even better. 

Not only does it help you sleep well, relieve stress and burn calories, there are also several other reasons why you need to have sex more often. 

Improves cardiovascular health A recent study says that men who have sex more than twice a week, have a lesser risk of getting a heart attack, than men who had sex less than once a month. 

Increases immunity Regular lovemaking increases the level of the immune-boosting antibody immunoglobulin A (IgA), which in turn makes your body stronger against illnesses like the common cold and fever. 

Reduces stress Stressed out with work or family problems? Don't let it affect your performance in the bedroom. Not only will having sex improve your mood, but a study has also proven that folks, who indulge in regular bedroom activities can handle stress better and are happier people. 

Relieves pain If you're using a headache as an excuse to not make love, stop doing that. Have sex instead, because, when you're about to have an orgasm, the level of the hormone oxytocin increases by five times. This endorphin actually reduces aches and pains. 

Promotes longevity When one has an orgasm, a hormone called dehydroepiandrosterone is released. This improves immunity, repairs tissue and keeps the skin healthy. Men, who have at least two orgasms a week, live longer than men who have sex just 
once every few weeks. 

Increases blood circulation Because your heart rate increases when you have sex, fresh blood is supplied to your organs and cells. While used blood is removed, the body also expels toxins and other materials that cause you to feel tired. 

You sleep better The sleep that you get just after you've made love will be much more relaxed. Getting a good night's sleep will make you feel alert and overall healthy. 

July 5, 2012

Why don't women initiate sex?

"Though I love our image of the 'perfect couple', but if I read between the lines, may be I am unsatisfied.

Its been three years, but I am still desprately waiting for the day when my lady love will take the sexual lead and surprise me with her moves. Many times, I thought of discussing it with her, but droped the idea as she may find it deogatory. Though we share a great chemistry, but it in or outside the bedroom, still crave for the day whe she wold make the first move, 'confess Samrat Tripathi, a 29 year old Delhi-based media person.

Samrath isn't the only one craving for his gitrl to initiate the action in bed. "Is it just me who wants sex?, "Am I failling to satisfy her?", "Is my technique wrong?", Does she wish for more pampering and foreplay?" are some of the thoughts that keep haunting men. This thought process keeps them so occupied that most of the time they fail to see some of the very obvious reasons for their problem.

Will he respond? 
Many women with fragile ego find it difficult to kick start the action in the bedroom, as the fear of rejection keeps hounding them. 

Aarti Rawat, a call centre executive says, "I am not afraid of telling my boyfriend what I need from him, but something holds me back initiating sex. Guys are so complicated and it's difficult to understand their needs so I keep guessing what's on his mind. I can just give him subtle signals like rubbing my cheeks against his or a passionate kiss to reveal my innate desires, but most of the times he fails to understand my hidden passion within these moves. It obviously hurts me so, even if I want to, so I let him take the lead." 

Expert speak: A relationship counselor suggests, "There is a very simple rule in love, leave your ego hassles on the other side of the door. It is not only women who are frightened of rejection, at times men also feel the same. So first of all, start responding to the hints that your partner is dropping for you. If she kisses you, then respond in an equally passionate way. Don't ignore her needs and cravings, even if you are very busy. Tell her you need some time if you are pre-occupied and let her feel you are intently listening to her desires. Tell her that you really love it when she makes the first move. It will definitely boost her confidence and her fear of rejection may disappear soon." 

Not tonight honey! 
How often do you hear this? But merely blaming your partner for never being in the mood is not fair. 

Sheela Oberoi, a school teacher says, "I am in my mid 30s, have a family to look after and a job that consumes nearly ten hours everyday. When I go back to my bedroom at 11 o'clock in the night, I am left with no energy to make hot love. May be my age has also affected my sex drive. Many times my hubby complains about it, but there is nothing I am able to do about my low sex drive." 

Expert speak: "If your partner's interest in sex has dropped significantly, try to make make an effort to find out what is it that is responsible for the same. If it is just stress and fatigue, then you should find out ways to relive the mental tension. Be it a surprise vacation, an erotic massage or just an elongated conversation at a lavish dinner - try out diverse ways to take your lover's mind off the nitty gritties of life. And never forget to experiment in bed," suggests. 

She thinks it's a taboo 
Do guys really think highly of girls who take the lead in sex? Many girls grow up with this question in their mind. 

Sawati Arora, a bank employee says, "I am getting married in a few months, but I have no plans to take the lead in bed with my future hubby. My friends have made me believe that if I do so, he may think that I have had some past experience and may doubt my loyalty. According to the normal perception, guys are supposed to initiate things in bed and I plan to stick to the same." 

Expert speak:  "Most of new age women also have this fact imprinted in their mind somewhere. So you should make all possible efforts to erase these doubts from her mind forever. On a date, try to talk to her about what turns her on and how eagerly you want her to make efforts to pamper you in bed. She may take sometime to get okay with the idea, but if you try to make her comfortable, soon she will express her desires in every possible way." 

Employing the subtle tricks of seduction, patience and some sexperiment you are likely to get what you have been vying for. 

March 8, 2012

How long can you last without sex?

How long can you last without intercourse, before abstinence starts negatively influencing and affecting your overall health? How well do you know your "sexual watch"? How well can you interpret your "need" for having sex? 

Can this need be calmed and oppressed just by the tender gestures of your partner or do you need an entire sexual "show" to feel completely satisfied? Since most people do not ask themselves these kind of questions, there are often conflicts due to the difference between the behaviour and the sexual needs of everyone. 

What are your priorities? 
Sex is, undoubtedly, a necessity of the body, based on two coordinates: reproduction and the tendency to socialize, to permanently cooperate with those around us. Survival on long periods of time is based to humans' abilities to live in groups, which involves the birth of relations, more or less lasting or enjoyable. Most times, one of the options regarding celebrating or making an inter-human relationship official is the sexual act itself. 

How is your body saying you need to have sex? 
It might be easy to overlook your body's signals regarding the need to have sex, because many times you associate them to other problems which you probably have to deal with on a daily basis. The best way is to observe which and how many negative moods go away immediately after having sex. Keep in mind the fact that sex does not always involve two people, in other terms, consider masturbation an option. 

Must-have-sex signals 
- Excessive nervousness 
- Long states of unjustified anxiety, migraines 
- Permanent stress 
- Lack of food appetite 
- Lack of the need to sleep 
- Contradictory feelings regarding certain persons 
- Frequent sexual fantasies, especially during nighttime. 

Practically, a non-existing sexual life causes a lot of reactions, more or less explicable, and in some extreme cases it can lead to severe physical and philological reactions: skin itches, irritations, anger etc. You could end up hurting the ones beside you, emotionally or even physically, because you did not "read" one of your body's cries for help. 

Once you fully and completely understand your body's message: "I need sex!" it will be a lot easier for you to identify the time periods these unpleasant symptoms occur. If you manage to do this, you will also be able to prevent them. Of course, these intervals vary from person to person, and they are dependent to certain factors, such as age, sex, lifestyle, physical condition, pregnancy, menopause etc. 

All in all, make sure you take some time and really analyze yourself and your body, your needs and your desires, and that way you will manage to understand the course of action you have to take so that everything returns on its' right normal "path" again. 

Source: Internet

6 Things women notice about men right away

1. Physical stature

Yep, you knew this already: size matters. Height and weight are right on top of the list of things women notice. "Too much or too little of either immediately classifies the man as unattractive to women, and closes the door before less physically obviously features (such as confidence) can be determined,"

2. Appearances and attractiveness

Yes, beauty is skin deep, but it's going to get women to explore what lies beneath. Attractiveness does include what you were born with, but your genes alone can't scuttle your chances. What really counts is what you do with your hair, clothes, grooming and basic hygiene. If you can't make the effort, women certainly are not going to work hard to learn more about you!

3. Smile

Once women are done assessing your overall build, women will look at your smile. "The ability to smile, particularly within the first few minutes of meeting, sends a welcoming, non-hostile signal to women," There is one proviso though -- the smile must show off reasonably good-looking teeth. It's never too late to fix an appointment with the dentist! Hahaha...

4. Humour

Another reason to show off those pearly whites! Women like men who have the ability to laugh. Even better, make the woman laugh. That instantly nets you bonus points!
5. Confidence

Women find confident men attractive. Within the first few minutes of meeting, women will not only suss out your level of confidence, they will also interpret the vibes you give out and how you think. "Women notice how clear or decisive you are and whether you approach things positively." Just remember, cockiness and arrogance are not the same as confidence!

6. Conversation

Men have successfully given womankind the impression of being strong and silent. So women aren't expecting you to have mad talking skills. All you've got to do hold her attention. "We know (scientifically) that the more or longer that a woman gets to know a man, the more physically attractive he becomes in her mind," Women are looking for someone to keep up the conversation -- so forget the one-liners, just be yourself!

7 Things men are perfect at

1. Sexy morning voices: This one is definitely tops the list. Men have such seductive baritones when they wake up in the morning, while we women end up croaking like frogs. Although we are quite sure that the sexy 'morning voice' is directly proportional to the sexiness quotient of their normal voices, unofficial research has shown that men with reasonable voices end up with super sexy morning voices as well. Let's also imagine a George Clooney like face to go with that voice. Sigh.
 2. Ability to give comforting hugs: There's no denying it. Embracing a man is like hugging a life size teddy bear. Only warmer. And human. Not only does everything feel like it will be OK, the world seems so much safer in that embrace. Know what's even better? The hug comes with a surplus - don't you just love the way they smell your hair?

3. Their uncanny knack of pissing you off and making you feel good at the same time: Alright, moving on. Only a man can achieve that impossible task of pissing you off and making you feel great at the same time. A classic example would be when a man watching a woman give birth says, "Does it really hurt that bad?" and then looks at your annoyed expression and immediately chirps, "But, I am sure you'll be brave honey." Well, at least he's thinking about having kids with you right?

4. Saying something completely inappropriate and still is charming : This one is a classic. And no, we're not talking about the cheesy pick up lines that go something along the lines of "do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again." We're referring to the smooth talkers here.

5. Ability to eat like a pig and not feel guilty about it: Ever seen a teenage boy wolf down an entire pizza by himself? Or a fully grown man helping himself onto a fourth helping of biryani? Heck, have you ever heard a man say he's "full"? Maybe they are blessed with excellent metabolism or maybe they are just built that way, they can eat gigantic quantities of food, and still work it off. We envy you for not having to worry about cellulite on your hips and thighs.

6. Their ability to fix things: We're not just talking about your feelings here ladies, we're referring to everything from light bulbs and fuse wires to your personal computer and your mobile phone. Can you imagine what would have happened if they thought the 'chip' referred to Lays?

7. Gods of gaming: This one is again a given. They can beat women hands down in most videogames (unless we're talking about something that involves too much pink and needless to say a Barbie). In the words of one very wise man, "Men can destroy women at video games. Destroy!"

January 1, 2012

Few Hour New Year mantra

With New Year's Eve looming close, here is a last minute guide to hooking up, getting fit and dressing smart

The clock is ticking and signalling the end of a year. But you just finished Christmas shopping and partying that has left you parched and goggly-eyed the next day. Suddenly New Year's Eve is this weekend. The frenzy of the past few weeks and general excitement of the season has taken its toll on you. You are just a little shy of fitting into that dress perfectly and look just a little too haggard to find yourself an interesting date. So we have made your life a little easier by providing some last minute guidelines for you to get in shape, spruce your wardrobe and of course, grab a date.

Footloose no more
Don't worry if you still haven't found a date and your friends have already hooked up for New Year's Eve. While not having a date isn't what you would call a catastrophe, it is nice to not be the odd one out. If you're scrambling for a last minute partner for the evening, here are a few tricks:

Get fixed up by a friend 
Ask your friends to hook you up. If you have friends with charitable spirit and are the type who want to spread the good cheer, they will introduce you to a couple of potential dates. Your goal is simply to have a fun date for new year's eve, so approach the idea with an open mind.

The best way to meet new people is to divert from the usual places where you have been hanging out at. Explore places you have never been before, such as an art gallery at a location away from your home, a new book store, restaurants, pubs and discotheques. Also meet a different set of friends, who will hopefully be there with their single friends and introduce them to you. Dress spiffy, be confident and enjoy the high of meeting new people.

Social networking

While your social networking page may boast of 500-odd friends, it's time to connect with someone you may not have been in touch with for a while or on a regular basis. Poke them, send a message, chat with them or drop in a light phone call just to connect. The first message should never suggest that you're fishing for a date, but build up to it nicely and you just may have one.

Use icebreakers
When you meet someone new at a coffee shop, book store, a mall or a pub, try talking your way through it by using causal one liners. For instance, you could start a conversation at a book store by asking someone "What book is that?" If you happen to have knowledge about the book, you can get lucky easily. If nothing comes to your mind, you could simply ask for the time. At a pub, you could say, "Your cocktail looks interesting" and then try to keep the conversation going. Often it isn't as tough as it looks and it's a question of being able to talk your way into charming someone. Don't come on too strong, approach the person with respect and don't harbour notions about getting laid. There are enough single people in the city and if you can solely focus on having an enjoyable evening, your date is waiting for you.

Tone down
Unbalanced diet, pollution and environmental changes, bad sleeping habits and alcohol, all add up to increasing toxin levels in the body leading to skin eruptions, water retention (edema), nausea, dizziness and dullness. Our expert, nutritionist Nupur Krishnan, shares her last minute tips to get fit and glowing, just in time.

A quick fix detox plan
- Your detox plan should contain 70 per cent liquids and 30 per cent solids. Include foods that offer enough phyto-chemicals and traditional nutrients and enzymes. For instance, pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that helps in digestion; papaya contains papain, a great colon cleanser; broccoli helps control blood pressure (not applicable for hypothyroid patients); and onion and garlic contain sulphur compounds that strengthen the process of detox.
- Add more fruits to your breakfast cereal and lettuce, cucumber, tomato, spinach, onion to sandwiches. Have soups and salads rich in fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Combine your detox with the right exercise such as walking, jogging, skipping, dancing and swimming. As you sweat and breathe heavily, it facilitates the expulsion of toxins through skin and lungs.
- Hydrate your body. Drink lots of water in the form of fresh seasonal fruit juices such as watermelon, strawberries, cucumber and orange.
- Stay way from sodium (salt) as much as possible. It is the key culprit in water retention. Herbal and green teas work wonders for a detox diet. » Those under medical supervision, elderly people, pregnant and lactating women and people with thyroid problems should consult their doctor before taking on a detox diet.

Lose the kilos
Here are a few basics to help you shed your weight pronto:
- Stay off white carbs as much as possible. That includes white bread, rice, pasta etc.
- Drink at least four litres of water during the day.
- Post meals, stay away from caffeine. However, have a cup of milky coffee an hour before gym to boost your body into working harder.
- Do any cardio-related exercise that can amp up your heart rate and burn calories. Consider spinning, cardio kickboxing or running and jogging with free weights to tone up the body.
- Sleep a minimum of seven hours at night to let your body regain and restore its systems. You'll be amazed at the effect it has on your strength.
- Sex in the woman-on-top position is also a great calorie buster, if you have the dedication for it.

Prevent bloating
- Avoid aerated and soft drinks at all costs. Alcohol and coffee can also cause intestinal irritation and swelling. Water remains your best bet when thirsty.
- Certain vegetables such as cabbage, kidney beans and peppers are top examples of healthy foods that contain difficult-to-digest carbohydrates, which can cause gas. Limit servings to a half cup at a time.
- High fat and fried food takes a longer time to digest, making you feel bloated and heavy. Try nuts, seeds, fish instead.
- Avoid chewing gum - it promotes intake of air into the digestive tract.
- Lactose intolerance can also cause bloating.

Dress up
They are throwing a party for the receding year and you've been invited. Problem is, Cinderella (or Cinderfella), you've got nothing to wear. Worry not; we've got several fairy godmothers on speed-dial. Hair and make-up artist  tells you what to do:

Fix your hair
- If you have long hair, try this: Bring all the hair to one side and make a pony tail behind your ear. Divide your hair into small sections. Twirl each of them up, bunch around to make small buns and fasten them with diamante pins or Upins with small fresh flowers. Leave some tendrils around to make it a messy up-do.
- For shoulder-level, curly hair, work in some mousse. Divide your hair into two sections by drawing a line from ear to ear. Bring all the hair in the front to one side and pin it over the ear. Draw all the hair at the back to the other side and pin that up, using three flowers in a row or a line of sparkly pins.
- If you have short hair, back-comb it at the front and pin it at the crown. Gel back the rest of the hair, or comb it towards the centre to make a pointy mohawk.
- Boys, get your hands on your sister's hair iron and try straightening the front to get a different look. Otherwise, work in some wax or gel and make your hair stand to bring out the peaks.

Fix your face
- If there is just one product must have for the season, it's a bright lipstick. It's not a matter of suiting your skin tone, because the point is to make it clash. Orange, fuschia, bubble-gum pink or magenta are the colours to get. Don't forget to blot your lips matte. Then, just flick on some mascara and head out the door.
- If you are not a lipstick person, hunt for some translucent glitter. Apply kajal and smudge it along the line to get a smoky eye. Then dab the glitter under your brow. Lip balm, mascara and off to the ball!

What to buy
- Boys, if you can buy only one thing, choose between ankle-top sports shoes or an evening blazer. Either will make an impression - let the shoes be colourful and the blazer, navy blue or black. Both can be found in shops that sell export surplus goods such H2O and Fendi in Bandra; and Clothes Rack and Apparel outlets across the city.
- Girls, head out to Le Bijoux on Hill Road to get a pair of patterned stockings. Pick black, grey or nude ones with flowers, lace or quirky polka dots to update an old outfit.
- Clothes Rack in Irla has a sparkly champagne coloured mini skirt you could get your hands on and wear it with a sweater or a tee and heels.
- Stall numbers 182 and 66 in Fashion Street and For Ever on Hill Road, Bandra have hidden treasures of sample pieces made in silk and beads. Visit them to find a one-off outfit that nobody else has.
- Luckily, block heels are in fashion and they let you dance all night long. You don't want to bring in the new year with a pitiful whimper. Bata has some great block heels at affordable prices. If you can't spare the time, log on and for quick service and don't forget to visit to know about other intersting facts for your LifeStyle.